utility locate training Archives - Kodiak Drilling https://kodiak.ca/tag/utility-locate-training/ Fri, 05 May 2023 18:55:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://kodiak.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/favicon.png utility locate training Archives - Kodiak Drilling https://kodiak.ca/tag/utility-locate-training/ 32 32 Utility Infrastructure Awareness Training https://kodiak.ca/utility-infrastructure-awareness-training-2/ https://kodiak.ca/utility-infrastructure-awareness-training-2/#respond Wed, 23 Nov 2022 17:20:21 +0000 https://kodiak.ca/?p=7324 There is no question that when it comes to drilling for subsurface investigations, determining the locations of underground utilities is important. Utilities and locates are much more complicated than just “call before you dig.” If you are involved in subsurface investigations, there is so much to know before you can safely (and legally) direct a […]

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There is no question that when it comes to drilling for subsurface investigations, determining the locations of underground utilities is important. Utilities and locates are much more complicated than just “call before you dig.” If you are involved in subsurface investigations, there is so much to know before you can safely (and legally) direct a driller to start drilling.

To acquire the skills to be competent in this complex field, we should rely on formal training/education, mentors and on-the-job experience.

With locates, the “trial and error” method can be costly in many ways. Unfortunately, utilities and locates seem to be a topic where people rely on supervisor and coworker advice instead of education and training. Missing this critical component can lead to gaps in the knowledge base, which is needed when directing drilling work.

As a drilling company, we have had utility experts provide our management, drillers, and helpers with formal classroom education on this essential component of our job.  Although environmental and geotechnical scientists, engineers, and technicians are directing drilling projects, not many people in the consulting sector seem to have gotten this formal training. It is not ideal when the drilling contractor knows more about utilities than the project manager or field technician. The person in charge of the subsurface work should be familiar with managing, interpreting and understanding utility locates. If troubleshooting utility issues in the field is needed, then we should be dealing with someone adequately trained to help with the decision-making process. 

There is now a newer way of accessing training for not only Kodiak employees, but also for our clients (such as project managers, coordinators, and field personnel).  

“Utility Infrastructure Awareness Training” is an online course by experts from Own Your Safety, a company specializing in providing education and information services related to utilities and locates. This course is the top one we are aware of for delivering this education, which is crucial for everyone doing subsurface investigations. 

We are even willing to pay the course fees for our clients to take this training because of how important we see it as. You likely received our gift card for the training in the mail from us. However, if you did not receive it and would like to take this critical step in improving your ability to manage utilities and locates, call our office for assistance. Please note that this offer is jointly sponsored by our colleagues at Premier Locates, a company providing private utility locating services. 

As a bonus, if you are a member of the APGO, your hours spent on this training may be used for your continuous education requirements!

Click here to go to Premier Locates’ website.

The post Utility Infrastructure Awareness Training appeared first on Kodiak Drilling.

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