Efficiency in Well Records
One of the advantages of working with Kodiak drill crews is that we try to minimize the time spent on the job site, filling out the Provincial record that is required when groundwater monitoring wells are installed. That time savings reduces your drilling costs. Since drill crews – from any company – charge out at a substantial hourly rate, the savings can be appreciable.
But to give you that savings, we need your help. We’ll ask you for a scaled map of your drill site and the drill locations. We’ll ask you for contact details for the land owner, since that information must be entered on the well record. If we’ve drilled multiple wells, we can save you a lot of costs by recording them as a single cluster – but we need you to ask the property owner to provided a signed permission form. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change – and Provincial law – requires that well records be filed, and we do our best to keep that cost to a minimum. When our office calls, asking whether you’ve filled out our drilling information package, we need your help. It’s because we’re trying to help you. For you, or your client, the help you give us is in filing the well record is like putting money in your pocket.