The narrow conditions of railways may provide a difficult...
Beyond The Borehole
Drilling Down Further for N-valuable Information

Locate Administrator
You may have seen our article about Utility Infrastructure...

Close Call
It's "interesting" when we get to a drilling site and see...

Private Locates
We all spend a lot of time on public utility locates -...

MiniProbe Video
The MiniProbe is a unique machine providing exceptional...

Shallow Wells and RSCs
Many of the groundwater monitoring wells we install are...

Legal Responsibilities of Ontario Well Owners
As a drilling company that installs groundwater monitoring...

Blue Jays Tickets for Charity
Over the years, we have donated many Blue Jays tickets to...

Sample Size – PHCs
We sometimes need to use a small-diameter soil sampling...

Well Technician Licenses
As drillers installing groundwater monitoring wells, we...

OmniMarker II Information
When your client purchases groundwater monitoring wells,...

When conducting a subsurface investigation at a property,...

What to Expect When You’re Expecting… Drilling
Some people cannot visualize what it means to have a drill...

Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS)
The Southern Ontario Section of the CGS is very active....

Borehole Logs
We commonly receive inquiries about drilling feasibility...

Late Locates
What is the number one frustration people have with...

Indoor Drilling Project – What’s Right For You?
There are lots of factors that go into planning an indoor...

Drilling Fleet
Are you new to Kodiak Drilling? Check out this quick video...

Employee Photo Contest Results 2022
The 2022 Results are in from our annual employee photo...

1″ vs 2″ Wells
We install 1-inch wells for many geotechnical...

Bad Flushmounts
Since you are in the site investigation sector, you likely...

Drilling Location Database
Do you know what the soil is like in the area of ABC...

Vertex Demonstration Day
Vertex Environmental held another demonstration of their...

Utility Infrastructure Awareness Training
There is no question that when it comes to drilling for...

Late Locates Cost Us All
The Ontario Sewer and Watermain Construction...

Employee Photo Contest
You may have read about the photo contest we hold for our...

Client Photo Contest
Want the chance to win a 2-night weekend trip to Muskoka?...

Sample Temperatures
Over the years, Kodiak drillers have witnessed all sorts...

Qualified Persons Community
If you are reading this article, you are probably involved...

Got my locates right here…on my phone
NO! Please bring paper versions of your locates when you...

Limited Access Drilling Article Series
If you have drilled with Kodiak over the years, you have...

Locates Take Too Long !
Report on 1Call Problems The time it is taking to get...

Settlement Monitoring
Tunnelling-Induced Ground Movements The Canadian...

Blue Jays
The Bat Flip For the third year in a row, we had Jays...

New Drill
Geoprobe 6620 We have added another new drill to the fleet...

Save Money on Well Records
Efficiency in Well Records One of the advantages of...

Hockey Tournament
Milestone Cup The first ever “Milestone Cup” was held on...
APGO Phase Two Template
APGO Webinar In April 2013, we wrote that the Association...

New Office & Shop
Our Office and Shop Have Moved In the fall of 2013, after...

Bloor St Explosion – 10 Year Anniversary
Bloor Street Explosion - 10 Years Ago Today (April 24)...

1-Call Consultation
Implementation of the New Act The Ministry of Consumer...

MOE Test Holes and Dewatering Well Manual
Draft Manual Available Six years after being conceived,...

$500 Fee For No Locates In addition to the fines available...

Blue Jay Tickets
Tickets, tickets, we got tickets It is looking like 2013...

Traffic Safety
Car-Drill Collision Sadly, the vehicle driver was killed,...

A True 1-Call System !!
Big News on 1-Call After many years and a lot of work by...

New Drills
New Capabilities Kodiak Drilling has added 2 new drills to...

$10,000 Fine
No Locates = Fine A TSSA press release advises of a recent...

Exudes Confidence !
You "Should" be Okay ? This is a quote from a recent...

Chuck Rench and Kelly Barr
Locates Cartoon If you read Drill Bits magazine or saw our...

Site Safety Performance Audit
Self Auditing Kodiak has developed a new component for our...

Sediment Sampling
Vibracorer Sampling Our colleagues at Pollutech have added...

Remediation Conference
Smart Remediation Building on the tremendous success of...

Excavation Safety
Ministry of Labour Video Although this is not directly...

OGWA Safety Article
The Source Safety is a key feature of the Fall 2011...

Well Tag Drawings
Guidelines for Well Drawing As you are likely aware, when...

Turbo Beaver
Big Beaver Power Boost When Kodiak brought Big Beaver...

From the Courts….
Charged and Convicted From the legal files, we have a...

TSSA Guidelines
TSSA Guidelines for Excavations The TSSA document...

Bloor Street Explosion Update
Over $1 million Fines In a previous post, we indicated...

Oil Spill
Burnaby Oil Pipeline It is not likely that people remember...

Locate Problems
Recent Site Issues For this post in the utility locate...

Safety First
New Stickers You may have seen one of the new additions to...

From The Incident File…..
Gas Station Line Hit This is a good one - We hear this one...

Don’t Drill There !!
Drilling Where You Shouldn’t Be Drilling We have a saying...

Locate Interpretation
How To Read A Locate Sheet The TSSA has released a...

Salvation Army
Christmas Kettles Again this year, Kodiak Drilling...

Violence & Harassment
Updated Policies There are new requirements as of June...

Vapour Intrusion
MOE Guidance Document Released (Draft) The MOE has...

Are Waterlines Important ?
Its Only A Waterline - It can’t kill you A very common...

Major Fine – Incomplete Locates
$180,000 For Locate Problem This item is a follow up to...

Monitoring Well Information Package
Kodiak Simplifies Well Records If we are installing...

PHCs in Groundwater
Maxxam Labs Article on F3 & F4 in Groundwater Kodiak...

Feedback on Drill Crews
Some Positive Feedback on Our Performance We scoured our...

Chuck Rench & Kelly Barr
Some Great Drilling Safety Messages Thanks to the National...
Welcome to the Kodiak Drilling WebSite!
Welcome to the re-branded Kodiak Drilling website! When we...

Reducing Costs with Cluster Records
Want to reduce your environmental and geotechnical drilling costs? A signature from the property owner will enable our drillers to file a single Ontario cluster record for all wells drilled on the site, reducing time & costs.

Casing Drilling Under Structure
Feature Article Kodiak Drilling is routinely involved in...

Drilling Is Not Dangerous
Feature Article There is a saying that goes like this:...

Basement Drilling
Feature Article Over 15 years of experience conducting...

Field Equipment Available
One of the often overlooked advantages of Kodiak Drilling,...

Asphalt Analysis
Periodically, when we are undertaking drilling for our...

Food Drive
On October 17, Kodiak provided personnel and a truck and...

Kodiak Golf
Kodiak Drilling held its first ever staff golf evening in...
Is your borehole location proving challenging with a truck-mounted drill? We get it.
Contact Kodiak for a solution.