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Well Tag Drawings

Dec 22, 2011 | Wells & Well Records

Guidelines for Well Drawing

As you are likely aware, when monitoring wells are installed by Kodiak, a well record is filed with the Ministry of Environment (MOE).  Included with the record is a drawing showing the location of the installed wells.  We have provided below, some guidelines to help you prepare drawings that are consistent with the MOE requirements.


  • There must be two measurements for each well, including a measurement from the well to a known feature.
  • Features for well measurements that the MOE considers acceptable include 1) edge of street, 2) property line, 3) rail line, 4) river bank, 5) Lot/concession.  The measurement can not be to another well.  Features for measurements should be permanent, with curved features being avoided.
  • Orientation of the features used for measurements is important – they should each be perpendicular to each other (see our examples below).

Plan and Draw

  • Include a north arrow.
  • Include streets, property lines, well symbols, dimension lines, street names, well labels, property numbers.
  • Dimensions should be in metres.
  • Indicate which well has the tag.


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