Beyond The Borehole

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Safety First

Feb 10, 2011 | Health & Safety

New Stickers

SafetyFirstSignYou may have seen one of the new additions to our Health & Safety program; our new bright orange “Safety First” stickers are a reminder that while doing our jobs we should consider safety before taking an action.  The stickers are prominently displayed on equipment and in locations where people are making decisions and taking actions that could affect their safety.  You will notice them on our drills and many of our tools and other equipment.  They are also displayed in many areas in our shop.  We hope that not only will it help instill a safety conscious culture in our workplace, but also remind our clients when they see them to think of safety in doing their own tasks at a work site.

Is your borehole location proving challenging with a truck-mounted drill? We get it.
Contact Kodiak for a solution.
