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Monitoring Well Information Package

Oct 13, 2010 | Wells & Well Records

Kodiak Simplifies Well Records

clipboardIf we are installing monitoring wells or piezometers at your drill site, we are required to submit water well record to the MOE promptly after completing the drilling.  Our drill crew will present your field personnel with a “Monitoring Well Information Package” at the beginning of the day.  Ideally, your field personnel can fill out the entire package, including the site specific information (including the site drawing) on the day of the drilling, and provide our crew with the forms at the end of the day.  If necessary, you can return the forms to us within a few days after the drilling. It should be noted that if more than one monitoring well is being installed, we can file one record (“cluster record”) for all wells, if we have the property owners permission; we will provide a form for you to obtain that permission. Having your staff complete this will allow our drill crew to focus on the drilling tasks and complete the field work in a more timely manner.

If you have any questions regarding the forms, please contact our offices.  A pdf copy of the package can be found by clicking here.

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