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OGWA Safety Article

Dec 22, 2011 | Health & Safety

The Source

Safety is a key feature of the Fall 2011 edition of The Source, a publication of the Ontario Ground Water Association (OGWA).  Our feature article from a 2010 newsletter entitled Drilling Is Not Dangerous caught the attention of OGWA and was published in the magazine.  The article can be found in the safety section of our articles or in the magazine.  We applaud OGWA for encouraging safety within the groundwater industry.  More information about the Ontario Ground Water Association can be found by clicking OGWA.

We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our colleague Dave Gunn of Geo-Environmental Drilling who will be taking over the presidency of OGWA.  Dave is well known in our industry as a proponent of safe drilling practices in environmental and geotechnical drilling.

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