Modules Break Apart for Portability
Very Low Head Clearance
Split Spoon for SPTs
Goes Anywhere
Modules Break Apart for Portability
Very Low Head Clearance
Split Spoon for SPTs
Goes Anywhere
The GeoTool is a new addition to the world of limited access drilling and is becoming a game changer in many ways. The uniqueness of the technology makes it difficult to describe in the same terms as our other drills. In summary, this drill uses a hammer system to drive soil samplers, without the use of augers.
The primary advantage of this drill is that it can collect SPTs by split spoon sampling in very low head clearance areas. For geotechnical drilling in areas of low overhead, Kodiak set the industry standard at 8 feet when we developed the short tower for the Big Beaver many years ago. We have now moved that bar down to 6.5 feet, making this the ideal solution for geotechnical drilling in low clearances areas, such as basements, offices, stores, and other commercial buildings.
This drill is completely modular, allowing us to dismantle it to components that are all man-portable while moving it into difficult areas. It can be carried on stairs and hillsides or into basements and other areas of extreme access limitations. Similar to the Big Beaver and GeoProbe 420, the drill is powered by a remote power unit running the hydraulic system. Unlike the other drills, this hydraulic power unit is electric, which removes the concerns of hydraulic hose length and distances to the exterior for exhaust fume issues.
The drill uses an automated 140lb weight system to drive split spoons for SPTs and drive larger diameters samplers for environmental sampling. This also allows us to open a larger borehole to permit the installation of standard size monitoring wells. For deeper holes, areas of collapsing soils and in situations where a more substantial annular space for sand and seal are desired, we can use a 5-inch diameter outer casing to case the hole while progressing. This makes it similar to a hollow stem method, without the rotation and cuttings that are generated by augers.
In many applications where one considers a Pionjar, Big Beaver, Ram Sounder, Manual Hammer, GeoProbe 420, or a Tripod, the GeoTool may be a better choice.

Size: Being able to get the drill virtually anywhere a person can get to, it needs only about 1 square metre of space to drill. It does all this and more, while only requiring 6.5ft (2 metres) of head clearance.
Power: Standard 140 lb hammer; blow counts suitable for SPTs.
Emissions and Noise: Electric power unit eliminates exhaust fume issues. The 140 lb hammer is equivalent noise to most other drills.
Monitoring Wells: Suitable for 1-inch or 2-inch diameter monitoring wells, depending on the chosen tooling.
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