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Site Safety Performance Audit

Jun 20, 2012 | Health & Safety

Self Auditing

Kodiak has developed a new component for our Health & Safety Management System.  The Site Safety Performance Audit process involves a surprise visit to a drilling site by a Kodiak co-worker to complete an assessment of the performance of the crew at the site.  This process is very brief and will not significantly impact the activities of the drill crew at the site.  The auditor will conduct a brief inspection of the site for safety related issues, in addition to asking the drillers and field personnel a few brief questions.  Items reviewed as part of this process include PPE, utility locates, traffic control, tailgate meetings, equipment inspection, site constraints, among other items.  If you have any questions or concerns about the process, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Is your borehole location proving challenging with a truck-mounted drill? We get it.
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