Locate Problems

Locate Problems

Recent Site Issues For this post in the utility locate section, we thought we would summarize a few locate issues that we have faced which prevented us from undertaking the planned drilling. 1.  The day before the drilling date, the consultant checked with the site...
Don’t Drill There !!

Don’t Drill There !!

Drilling Where You Shouldn’t Be Drilling We have a saying that goes something like…. they were drillin’ where they shouldn’t be drillin’.  We use that saying around our shop when we hear stories of drillers drilling without locates, or when we hear...
Violence & Harassment

Violence & Harassment

Updated Policies There are new requirements as of June 2010 in the Occupational Health and Safety Act regarding violence and harassment in the workplace.  These changes include development of polices and programs to address workplace violence and harassment issues. ...
Are Waterlines Important ?

Are Waterlines Important ?

Its Only A Waterline – It can’t kill you A very common practice when having public locates completed, is to have the municipality locate the shut-off valve near the street.  On most properties, the waterlines on private property are not owned by the water...