1″ vs 2″ Wells

1″ vs 2″ Wells

We install 1-inch wells for many geotechnical investigations if they are to be used solely for water level monitoring. However, we are most often requested to install 2-inch wells, particularly when undertaking environmental investigations. This makes sense, as 2-inch...
OGWA Safety Article

OGWA Safety Article

The Source Safety is a key feature of the Fall 2011 edition of The Source, a publication of the Ontario Ground Water Association (OGWA).  Our feature article from a 2010 newsletter entitled Drilling Is Not Dangerous caught the attention of OGWA and was published in...
Well Tag Drawings

Well Tag Drawings

Guidelines for Well Drawing As you are likely aware, when monitoring wells are installed by Kodiak, a well record is filed with the Ministry of Environment (MOE).  Included with the record is a drawing showing the location of the installed wells.  We have provided...
Turbo Beaver

Turbo Beaver

Big Beaver Power Boost When Kodiak brought Big Beaver drilling to southern Ontario in 1996, it was revolutionary in the field of limited access drilling.  A machine that was larger and more powerful than the Pionjar and smaller and more nimble than the truck and track...